2023  1

December  1

2023: A Year of Resilience, Innovation, and Hope

December 23, 2023

2022  1

January  1

Happy New Year 2022! Five years of iQA.

January 1, 2022

2021  2

March  1

We have launched QAbase.io

March 19, 2021

January  1

Announcing QAbase.io private beta!

January 23, 2021

2019  2

December  1

2020 and three years of iQA

December 27, 2019

November  1

Update PHP version on MacOS Mojave and Catalina

November 21, 2019

2018  4

May  1

Building a Face Recognition service with Raspberry Pi

May 17, 2018

March  1

Selenium & Internet Explorer 11 (IEDriver): Exception in thread org openqa selenium UnsupportedCommandException: Error 404: Not Found

March 23, 2018

February  1

Adobe Experience Manager test automation frameworks overview

February 16, 2018

January  1

One year of iQA!

January 1, 2018

2017  13

December  1

Firefox Quantum and Selenium Webdriver

December 8, 2017

November  1

Selenium WebDriver and IE11

November 22, 2017

October  2

Regular Expressions (regexp) helper and Generator

October 17, 2017

Mozilla announces Firefox Quantum to be release on Nov 14th

October 2, 2017

July  2

Voice control Jenkins builds using Amazon’s Alexa

July 26, 2017

Operating System Detection in Java

July 16, 2017

May  1

Command line tools for data processing (CLI tools)

May 16, 2017

April  1

Automating Adobe Experience Manager with Hobbes.JS

April 17, 2017

February  1

How to enable Firebug on newer versions of Firefox

February 4, 2017

January  4

Good bye Firebug! All hail DevTools!

January 27, 2017

Getting Things Done

January 19, 2017

The Samsung saga: DIGI + CI Smartcard issues

January 15, 2017

Welcome to 2017

January 1, 2017